Project 7: Diagram of Computer System
Diagram of Computer System
Create a diagram of your computer system, or an office system using, to show your computer system. Use arrows to indicate if it is input or output. If your own system does not have several IO devices create a diagram of a typical office system with a few computers and a shared printer.
Computer Skills: Learn to create professional diagrams using and comparing two different methods.
Computer Knowledge: Show the various peripheral devices in a complete computer system.
After creating the diagram, hide the grid, take a screen shot and paste it into a Word document. Next, create the same diagram using the drawing tools in Word. Write a short paragraph comparing the two ways of creating the diagram.
You may need to search to get good images:

Drawing diagrams with https://diagrammaticality/: Free website for drawing diagrams.

Your diagram should use images similar to the one above..
Submit the Lastname_Firstname_diagram.docx file in Blackboard. (Example: Brown_Jack_diagram.docx)
The following are requirements:
If any of these requirements are not met, the score will be 0.
If the requirements are met, the grade is as follows:
Possible points=50

If you do not receive a perfect score you may resubmit it as long as it is resubmitted within 3 days.
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