
aliceGlossary for Alice Programming: boolean

Glossary for Alice Programming: boolean

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bool-drill: A drill on Boolean values(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   See if you can do these comparisons
boolean-if: Using Boolean Expressions in If Block(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   Ask if Thor is happy, he says ha-ha or boo-hoo
child-adult: Child or Adult? Comparing values(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   Compare age to determine if child or adult
coffee-tea: The user is offered coffee and tea(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   See if you can add another choice
discussion: Discussion questions(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   What do you think?
how-many-penguins: The seagull asks how many penguins there are.(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   See if you can add to this project
nighttime: Ask if it is nighttime(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   The function getBooleanFromUser gives a choice of true or false.
panda-turn-fast: Panda says "Whee!" if turning fast(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   Panda says "Whee" if amountToTurn > 2.0
pass-fail: Pass or Fail(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   Compare a score to 65 and say "Pass" or "Fail"
questions: Self Study Questions(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   What have you learned?
quiz-tf: A True/False Question(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   Using if to tell the user the answer is right.
quizgame: A Quiz Game(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   This video shows how to create a quiz and keep track of number right.
restaurant: Restaurant? Using AND: &&(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   Need restaurant with hamburgers and pizza
taller: Who is taller? Finding larger of 2(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   Use the function getHeight to find the taller of two animals
teenager: Teenager? Using AND: &&(Lesson: Boolean Expressions: true or false)
   You are a teenager if age >=13 AND age <= 19
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