This video demonstrates the three fundamental procedures of Alice animation, move, turn, and roll. It may be helpful to review the Alice video object motion before watching this demonstration. Remember that every Alice object has a pivot point, the point in the scene where an object is located. also recall that every Alice object has an orientation, A sense of its own forward, up, and right direction. In this video the white axes will represent the forward direction for the Queen. Notice that as the queen is turned this white axis will also turn. Move, turn, roll, and the related procedures are the fundamental building blocks of an Alice animation. An animations created by using these procedures to manipulate an objects location or orientation. The move command will always change an object's position. An object can move forward or backward, left or right up, or down the specified distance as long as this distance is not zero, an objects location will always be different. However the move command never changes an object's orientation. The turn procedure will always change an objects orientation but never its position. An object can turn left, right, forward or backward. During a turn an object's forward direction will always change but the location of the object remains the same. The roll procedure will also change in objects orientation, but not its position. An object can only roll left or right. During a roll the objects forward direction will not change. This is how a roll is different from a turn: the forward direction and the object's position remain the same. Here's a quick little test for you: I've turned the queen backward, so that she and the white arrow are now facing pointing towards the sky. If I give her the command to move up, will she move toward the sky? Watch what happens. Can you explain why the Queen moved parallel to the ground when told to move up? Remember the white arrow is pointing in the Queens forward direction. Which way does the queen have to move to move toward the sky? That's right, the queen has to move forward. It's a good idea to play with move, turn and roll until you're comfortable with how they work. This concludes the demonstration of move turn, and roll procedures for Alice animations.