Hello world! I'm talking about Boolean expressions in the statement in Alice3. What I would like to do is ask the user if Thor is happy. And if Thor is happy he says "Ha ha ha" If he's not happy he says"Oh no! Boo hoo." But the way I have it written here, it says if true. It's not looking at whether Thor is happy. It's not using the variable at all. It just says if true, True is always true! This statement here will execute no matter what we say about is Thor happy. And this statement, where he says "Oh no, boo-hoo" This is never going to execute. So let's just run that and take a look at it. Is Thor happy? true, he says "Ha ha ha" And if I say he's not happy, He also says "Ha ha ha" What we need to do here, instead of saying if true, I need to pick the variable ThorHappy. (And I know you couldn't see that, it was down at the bottom of the list.) But now... if ThorHappy has a value of true that the user put in, Then he says "Ha ha ha." If this is false, it will go to this statement and he says boo-hoo. So let's run that: Is Thor happy? True: Ha, ha ha. And Is Thor happy? I'm going to say False. and he says "Oh no boo-hoo hoo." And that's what we want it to do. And you really have to test all possible values that could be in there, and make sure it's working. And that's it for now.