Hello world, I'm talking about getting Boolean input from the user in Alice 3. I have just a simple scene here, but I have adjusted the camera so I can see the sky a little better. And I'm going to go to a variable, I'm going to ask the user "Is it nighttime?" This is going to be a Boolean variable. This is true or false. We have to give it an initial value. I'm going to set that true initially, but I'll change that just a minute. I'm going to go to functions and getBooleanFromUser. Drag that over there, and my CustomTextString is "Is it nighttime?"... Say OK. If I run this right now, you'll see it says "Is it nighttime?" and I can pick true or false. Not very interesting! What I'm going to do is add an if statement and say if(nighttime) Go back to our atmosphere color. And if it is night time, I want to set the atmosphere to a dark blue and if it isn't night time, I'm going to set the atmosphere to a nice light color. and we can run that. "Is it nighttime?" I say true, and it makes the sky dark. Let's run that again. and if I answer false, it makes the sky a light blue. You could do lots and lots with those Boolean inputs. But that's all there is to it for now.