Hello World! I'm talking about scene changes in Alice3. I've set up a scene with a bunny, an ice floe, a cactus, a banana tree, and a snow woman. I really don't want all of those showing at once but I've set it up that way to start with. In my first method, I've used a for loop and inside the for loop it's going to do this these statements twice. First I show the snow scene, and the bunny complains about the cold. Then I show the desert scene and the bunny complains about the heat. And we do it once more with the snow scene and the desert scene. When the loop ends the bunny faints. So that's my top-down design of this and I'm going to need to add a procedure for each one of these items. We're going to add a scene procedure and call it setupSnowScene. The first thing I want to do in the snow scene is set the ground to the snow. I'm going to add a duration of 0 for that. I want all of these statements in setting up the snow scene to happen instantaneously. I want the cactus to disappear and the way I do that is by setting the opacity to zero. And again I'm going to added a duration of zero. I'm going to copy this to the clipboard and I also want the banana tree to be hidden. Let's copy that to the clipboard again. I would like the ice floe to be visible, so I'm setting the opacity to one. and copy that to the clipboard and the snow woman is also visible. Let's go back to my first method and if we select this, you'll see we have set up snow scene and I'm going to drag the call to set up the snow scene in. For right now, I'm just going to have to bunny say, "I'm too cold." But eventually I'm going to have a whole procedure where the bunny shivers or does something like that. This is just a placeholder for right now. Let's run it, and the bunny says I'm too cold. He does that twice because we had that in the loop. We're going to go back to the set up snow scene. I know I want all these same statements for the desert scene. I'm going to put them all in a do in order control block because then I can copy the whole thing to the clipboard. Let's create another scene called setupDesertScene, and then drag my clipboard in. For the desert I want Sandy desert, and the prickly pear cactus is going to be visible, the banana tree visible, the ice floe invisible, and the snow woman visible. Let's go back to my first method and we can now drag that statement into our code to call setupDesertScene. Let's just have the bunny say something, "I'm too hot." Let's run it. We could add a delay in there between the scenes. Let's just put something here, have the bunny say "I give up" And that's it.