Hello world! I'm talking about scene changes in a Cinderella movie. I have a movie with a Cinderella, dressed in rags supposedly and there's a fireplace, a chair and the grandfather clock. I'm going to add a camera marker, cameraMarkerHouse. That scene is over on my left. Over here on my right, I've added a billboard with a picture of a ballroom. I'm going to zoom in on this and adjust my camera angle so I don't see anything but that ballroom and there's Cinderella and I'm going to add a marker for cameraMarkerBallroom. And I can move the camera back and forth between those two markers. Let's zoom out a bit, so we can see more of this whole thing, really far out. You can see we have these two separate scenes and I have two Cinderellas. I have Cinderella dressed in rags and then over here I have the Cinderella wearing the gown. Let's go back to that marker for the ballroom. We could also add billboard on top of that, that might be easier to do if we zoom out a bit and get that in position, and we could have one big billboard that covers everything, or we could use two separate billboards for the affect of fading in and out. It's okay to have two different Cinderellas as long as the user doesn't see both of them at the same time we're fine.