Hello world I'm talking about code preference in Alice 3. There are two ways of viewing your code: The Alice mode and the Java mode. Notice that in the Alice mode you see declare procedure myFirstMethod. In the Java mode you see void myFirstMethod and parentheses. The Alice mode is the default but all of the videos at Zebra0.com. use the Java mode. The Java mode is better because it gets you used to seeing Java code, which is more likely to be. A follow-up language that you learn after Alice. If you don't see void, Which you probably don't the first time you run Alice and you You see declare procedure myFirstMethod, You need to change. Java to Java mode. From the menu select window, preferences, Programming Language, Java. You'll see that switches to void myFirstMethod. That's exactly what you want. If you already see void myFirstMethod, you don't need to do anything. Another thing you can do is under preferences is see the Java code on the side. And this is useful, because in this mode you can copy and paste. thetText of your code into an email or something like that. And that's it!