Hello World! I'm going to use a count control structure to wave. I'm continuing with the project with the Ogre waving, and when I run this, (Let's restart that), the ogre puts his hand into position to wave, but he doesn't wave yet. What I'd like to do is have his hand go back and forth three times. Instead of writing the code and then repeating the same code over and over, We're going to use a count control structure. When we add a count control structure we can select the integer value that it's going to count the number of times it's going to repeat. Each repetition of the loop is called an iteration. Let's go through what exactly happened here. First of all it automatically declares a constant N with a value, whatever value we selected, which in this case is 3. It has another integer called i, which will have a starting value of 0. The loop will keep going as long as i is less than N, which is 3. Each time through it adds 1 to i. i++ means i is incremented by 1. The actual values inside the loop are going to be 0, 1, 2. 3 is the value that ends the loop because 3 is not less than 3. and the loop will end. Inside the loop, I'm going to select the ogre and get his right wrist. I want to turn it forward and then backward. We're going to drag these statements inside that loop. Let's try a custom decimal number of 0.2 and then copy that to the clipboard and drag that inside the loop, and have it turn backward. Let's run it. I think I would like him to do that just a little bit faster. Let's add a duration of 0.25 and run it. And there he is! He's waving.