Hello world! I'm going to put together my move, turn, and roll and create a dancing chicken in Alice3. I've started a new project and selected the grass template. and going to add a chicken which I found under the flyer class Click on that and we have a chicken. I'm going to type control Z, or command Z on the Mac (undo) and put the chicken in by dragging and dropping. That's an alternate way of doing that. Next I'm going to go to edit code and put in a comment , " dancing chicken." Next with the chicken selected, I'm going to have to chickens say something. A custom text string: "Watch me dance!" (I'm going to make this this window just a little bit smaller so you can see all the code.) So, "Watch me dance!" was an argument to the say procedure. Next I'm going to have the chicken turn, and you'll notice that this one has two arguments: ???. We need to put in the direction and the amount. For the direction, I'm going to have him turn left and the amount- remember one would be a full turn all the way around, .5 would have him turn his back to us and .25 with have him turn to the left a quarter of a turn So we supplied those two arguments. Here we had one argument, here we have two arguments. Next I'm going to have chicken roll a little bit to the left and for this I want custom decimal number: just a little bit, a .1 Usually when we are animating a character or making a character move around If we do one direction, we want to then do the opposite direction the same amount I'm going to right click and copy this to the clipboard, and drag it down and change that to turn to the right that same amount. Let's stop and run it right now . He says watch me dance and the turns and tips a little bit to one side and he did a turn, he did roll. Let's move him back: copy this to the clipboard and have him turn back to the right that same amount . and run it, and he's back. If we scroll all the way down to the bottom, We can see some special procedures that we can do just for this chicken. I'm going to have him spread his wings and fold his wings. to end his little dance. You could experiment with this: add anything you want! Let's run that and see what we have. He says "Watch me dance!" and he does his little dance routine, spreads his wings and puts them back. and he does these in exactly the order that we told him. You can see it says here, "do in order" That's your first control structure and it's "do in order" by default. Let's have him spread his wings right at the beginning. If we do that there, he's going to do all of these things with his wings spread. and then he folds his wings back at the end. And there we have it, the famous dancing chicken!