Hello World! I'm talking about editing code in Alice3. I have the hello world program . There's a comment with my name and the name of the program. And witch's head points at... that's supposed to be the camera. And then which says "Hello World" So let's just run that to see what we have here. And you notice I've added a cat. And what I'd like to do is have the cat say "Hello world" There's a little arrow, this yellow arrow, after the witch. And I can't switch that to the cat. And there's another yellow arrow here, and I could have the cat say something different like "What's up?" And another yellow arrow here. and I could pick any of these things like the duration a little bit longer. I would also like since the short haired cat is the one who is saying something, I'd like the shorthaired cat to have it's head point. But you can only pick the witch here, But if I go to the little arrow here, I can pick the shorthaired cat and then pick the cat's head from there. and look at the witch's is head. So the cat can look at the witch's head and say "What's up?" Now if I would like to get rid of a statement... Let's have the cat do something. Let's say the cat is going to turn to face the witch. And let's run tha. and then he turns to face the witch, and he looks up at her. And I don't like that. So I can right click on this. and I can uncheck where it says enabled. and now that statement won't execute. So, if we run it. He turns to face, just his head, not his whole body. But if I just want to get rid of this, I can get rid of it... The same way I brought it in, just by dragging it. and you'll notice that when I drag over to the left there's a trashcan. and I can drop it there to delete it. So anywhere you see this little arrow, you can play with that and change some of that code that way. And that's it for now.