Hello World! I'm talking about editing variables in Alice3. I have a scene with a cow, a Dalmatian, a chicken and a pumpkin. I'm going to declare a variable, and when I declare a variable, I have a choice of double, integer, Boolean, string and gallery class. I'm going to call this one double and call it number and give it an initial value of either one of these choices or a custom decimal number. and put in something. You'll notice that there's a little arrow after the 0.125. If I click that arrow, I can pick its current value: that doesn't change anything. I can pick a new value, or I can pick custom decimal number. that value that I had up there comes up as the default. and then I could add to that or change it or something like that. If I create a variable of type string and call it name, I can give it an initial value of hello, or custom text string, and put in something like Henry. And if I click the arrow after that, I can change it by either giving it a new custom text string, "Hello" or Henry plus another value. and I could pick an integer, And if I have the cow say custom text sting: "My name is and a space, I'm going to add to that plus name, and when I run this, The cow says "My name is Henry3" If I want to give it a duration, I can either pick one of those default values, Or, pick a custom decimal number. I can also select that and pick number as the value, and number is .13. So when we run this, that's really fast! Let's change it here to a 2. And now the duration for this statement is going to be 2. Let's run that. And he says "My name is Henry 3" So we can take a string and had other values to it. We can take a string and added another string to it. We can use a variable for duration or, for some other value that's a double. And you should experiment with all of these. That's it for now.