Hello world! I'm going to say "Hello hello" in Alice3. I'm going to select file new, and pick the snow, and then say OK. I'm going to add a comment that tells the name of the programmer and then a description of the program: snowman says hello. Go to set up scene, and if you don't know where the snowman is, you can select search gallery, type in snow, and then we can pick various different things that have the word snow in the name. Or related to snow. So, I'm going to pick the snowman and drag him in. And the name snowman is fine; I'm going to leave that. And, this may be a little to big. So, I'm going to just make that little bit smaller. And go to edit code and have snowman say... I'm going to pick "hello" After the word hello you see a little arrow. If we click that arrow, we can either change that value to a different custom text string, or we can add another text string to that. Or, we can put in two new values. I'm going to pick hello plus ?? And pick hello. And you notice it says he's going to say hello plus hello. And let's run that. Restart that: and notice there's no space between hello and hello: hellohello, with no space in between. I'm going to go in and select custom text string for that first value, and add a space. Maybe I'll just make that an uppercase while I'm at it. And say OK. I can change the size here, so you get a better view of the code. In the code view window. And I'm also going to add a duration of 2, and that will let us see the greeting for a little bit longer. And he says "Hello hello" And you notice that stays tup there just a little bit longer now. And then we make sure that we save it, And that's it!