Hello world I'm talking about using functions in Alice3. I have a project with a clown fish. A shark and a cave. And the shark would like to know how far away clown fish is. And the Clown fish. Wants to know how far it is to the cave. We have two tabs here. And procedures are Things that we can do, so for instance the clownfish can say something. He can move he can turn and roll and think something. We can change things about him make him Invisible by changing the opacity. But the second tab here is functions. And functions answer a question. So what color is the clown fish how wide is the clownfish how tall. And one we're interested in here. Is how far from the clown fish is the cave. Functions return about. Show before we can use these functions we need some place to store those values. I'm going to use a variable. And make it a double. And call it distance. And it doesn't matter what I give it as an initial value. Because I'm going to change this. By using this function. How far away. The clown fish. From the cave. And then I'm going to go back to my procedures to. And have the clown fish think That amount. And I can use a custom text. And say. The cave is. He says the cave is, and now I want to add to that. The distance away the cave is. So I'm going to pick. The cave is plus something. And pick it up. Select distance. And maybe he would like to know how far the shark away is. Or maybe the shark would like to know how far away clownfish is we have functions and. Options. Answer question. Should we use that function get distance to the cave. Stored it in distance and then let The Clown fish think the cave is and tell how far away that is. What we might do other things with it we might want to know how long it's going to take him to get to the cave and some more complicated instructions of those functions answer questions. Where as procedures perform an action. And that's it for now you can experiment with that.