Hello World! I'm talking about Boolean expressions in Alice3. I've set up a scene with a seagull and three penguins. And I have a variable, answer, that's an integer. And the seagull asks the user, "How many penguins do you see?" Now, if we just think about it a minute, There's a couple of answers that we can predict: The user might answer, the user might get the right answer: 3, in which case the seagull will say "Very good." Another possibility is that the user says 4, And the seagull will say, "What you think I'm a penguin? Really!" Another possibility would be that he says 0. And then maybe we can have one of the penguins say, "What you don't think I'm a penguin?" And then, there's all the other possibilities that we might have, they could answer 20, or who knows what. In which case we're going to have the seagull say, "I have no idea where you got that answer." So I'm going to start with an if, and I'm going to make that a whole number comparison equal equal : == and the answer is three and answer. So , that should be a 3, If three is equal to the answer, I'm going to have the seagull say, "Yes, that's right! I'm not a penguin!" If they didn't get it right, I'm going to use another if statement in my else. And this time I'm going to compare whole numbers, Again equal equal (==) answer is custom whole number 4. And this time the seagull is going to say, "No way! I'm not a penguin!" OK, so he answered three, He answered 4, Let's just, for the else of this part, have the seagull say, "I have no idea where you got that answer." And let's just run this, and I'm going to try each of those possibilities. So, first they give the right answer and they say 3. And he says, "Yes that's right. I'm not a penguin." And let's try 4 this time: And he says, "No way! I'm not a penguin!" And then this time, I'm going to have them say 8. And he says "I've no idea where you got that answer." You could add if the answer is 1, maybe the user thought this was a penguin, and those other guys weren't. You can add a little bit to this, and make sure that you understand how those nested if else's work. And that's it for now.