Hello World! I'm talking about the click event in Alice3. I have a program with a bear, an elk, and three trees. I would like the bear to say something to me when I click on him. Clicking on the bear is an event. It's not part of our regular statements that are going to be executed when we run the program. It could happen at any time. I'm going to add an event listener. This would be a mouse click On Object Listener. When you add that you see three tiles are added, Those are functions that give us some information about that event. This one will tell us what object was clicked on. We can drag those functions into our code, within this block, within that event listener. I want to know if the object that was clicked on is the bear cub. So I'm going to use an if control structure, and then I'm going to replace that true with comparing two SThings. For the first one I'm going to pick the bear cub and I'm also picking the bear cub for the second one, but I am going to replace that second one with this function that tells me which object was clicked. So if the bear cub is equal to the object that was clicked The bear cub will say, "What can I do for you?" and when we run it nothing happens when we click on anything else but when we click on the bear he says, "What can I do for you?" And that's an event listener.