Hello world! I'm talking about using one shots in the setup scene window of Alice3 to position objects. I've started a movie with the chicken I'm going to use one shots to move, turn and roll in the design view. Let me move my camera in just a little bit so we can see the chicken a little better. I'll change that, bring it in some more. With the chicken selected, I can pick procedures like spread wings and fold the wings. I can move to the left one position, and move to the right one position. I'm going to turn to the left .25. Can you guess what that will do? He turned to his left a quarter of a turn. I'm going to turn him back by turning him to the right a quarter of a turn. Let's try roll to the left 0.125. I'm going to undo that by doing control+Z or command+Z on the Mac. You'll see that we have most of the things that we can do with our code, we can do using one shots in the set up scene view. You should experiment with that.