Hello world! I'm going to modify the waving procedure to add some parameters. Parameters are the information that needs to be passed to the procedure. When we actually pass that value when we call the procedure, that's called an argument. So, we have the Loki and the March hare waving their arms together You can run that. They both waved exactly the same amount of time. Let's edit that procedure for waving the right arm and you'll notice that we have lots of variables, but we have one variable that is the speed to wave which right now is .25. So, anytime we call this procedure that's the speed that it's going to use. I'll just delete that. If I delete that.. you'll see there's a red highlight on speedToWave because that doesn't exist anymore but I'm going to add it as a parameter Add parameter, that will be a double and let's call that speedToWave. and there's a warning, that we're going to have to look for the warnings and modify our program or it won't work. So, Let me check that: I understand. Now we have speedToWave as a parameter and we need to just reselect that because we're changing from a variable to that parameter. So now, instead of having that as .25 we're going to have to pass that value when we call it. If we go back to myFirstMethod you'll see that it has added the place for a parameter and its red, warning us we have to put something in there. I'm going to make Loki wave .25 and then I want the March hare to wave faster . and that's the duration so I'm going to make that a lower number to make him wave faster and I want this to be noticeable. so I'm going to make it something small like that. Let's run that. You can see the March hare waves a whole lot faster than Loki. We could also, (go back here to waveRightArm) and I could change these other variables to parameters in the same way Right now the amount to turn the shoulder is .25 I'm going to just change that to a bigger number right now. Make that .35 and run my program. That's a little too much, isn't it? In fact the March hare was banging his head into his hand. Let's make it a lower number. Change that to custom decimal number and make it a .18. And run this. and he's not moving that as much. So all of those could be made into parameters. and let us change for each one of our characters the amount that we want that to move. we can also take the number of times to wave and we could make that, right now it's three I'm going to make that aparameter: add parameter. timesToWave And again we have a warning that we're going to have to fix that up. and timesToWave is going to be an integer. So instead of n being three, we're going to select.. (Let me scroll down so you can see that.) instead of a three, I'm going to pick timesToWave and that's going to be the second argument Let's go back and I'm going to have Loki wave three times and the March hare, I'm going to have him wave five times and faster too, so you can see the difference here. Of course, you could do that with any of the variables. Any of these variables could be turned into parameters here and then back in our code we would have to add the arguments to correspond to those parameters.