Hello World! I've created a movie with a penguin jumping in Alice. In setup, I have added a penguin. I have two variables amountToJump, and amountToFlap. and I have a while true the penguin is going to do together turn the left wing shoulder backward and the same with the right wing shoulder, We're going to turn back the amount to flap which is .25 and at the same time the Penguin's going to go up the amountToJump. and then his wings come back down and he comes back down. and let's run that and take a look at that. so there's our penguin, and he jumps up and down exactly the same amount every time. instead of having the penguin jump exactly the same amount every time, I'm going to use a random value to make this look a little bit more natural. Now, let's change amountToJump first and then we'll look at amountToFlap. Right now you'll notice that amountToFlap is half of amountToJump. We may use that still. I want the amount to jump up to be the same as the amount to jump down. So the place where I need to give a new value to amountToJump is going to be the first thing in that while loop. Right now, amountToJump is 0.5. What I would like to make amount to jump a random value, and amount to jump is going to be a random value between .25 and 5. Let me just disable that for just a moment, let's run that again. Sometimes he goes a little bit, and sometimes he goes a little further . I'm going to add an assignment to make amountToFlap amountToJump, add math to that: amountToJump divided by 2. And let's run that. So, the idea is that if he flaps wings more, he goes a little higher. and otherwise he goes a little lower. Let's make this a little more interesting and make that really the first thing, make that a custom decimal number and pick .1 and make this one may be a little bigger, also a custom decimal number Let's make it .7, we have to experiment with that to see what looks right. Let's run that. He jumped a big amount, a smaller amount, Another smaller amount, a little tiny bit more. So he's jumping in a random amount each time. This looks a little more natural, it looks a little more like what penguin would do. I guess. I don't spend a lot of time around Penguins.