Hello World! I'm talking about random numbers in Alice3. I'm going to display numbers randomly from 1 to 6. I'm going to have Thor say that. The first thing I need is a variable. I'm going to call this randomDie and it's going to be an integer. I have to give it an initial value. I'm going to change that so that it is a random integer from a to B inclusive. For my first value I want it to be a one and for the second value customInteger value of 6. I've got 6 here, let's redo that. This one is supposed to be one, and this one is supposed to be six. OK. and then I'm going to have Thor say that number . so my customText is going to be "You rolled " and a space, and then we want something and that something is going to be randomDie, That variable that we've already assigned a value to. We'd better add a duration of something so we can see what he says. Let's run that, He says "You rolled 4", "You rolled 3", "Your rolled 1" Set that duration to a little bit longer, make that 2. And run that. "You rolled 1", "You rolled 4", "You rolled 3" And that's it!