Hello World! I'm talking about arrays in Alice3. I've set up a scene with a tortoise and I want the tortoise to say ready , set, go. Well, obviously, I could do that with just saying say, and say the words. but I'm going to use an array. I want to use ready, set ,go, because it's fairly simple. but in the next video were going to have the tortoise say the months, January, February, March and so on. When we do that, it's a little easier to do that with an array that you just use 12 statements that say the months. I'm going to declare a variable and the words "ready", "set", "go", are strings and I'm going to call it sayings. and check this box that says is array. and select custom array, and add custom text, "ready", " set" and "go" You'll see that this is an array of 3 elements. Elements in an array are numbered starting with 0. So sayings sub zero (sayings[0]) is the word ready. Sayings sub one (sayings[1]) is the word "set". and Sayings sub two (sayings[2]) is the word "go". and that's all I need so I'm going to say OK. and say OK. (Let's make this a little bit smaller over here.) So we have an array with three elements numbered 0, 1, 2. I'm going to use a count loop and up to sayings. length So the variable i is going to be 0, and then 1, and then 2. The length of this array is 3. but the elements are 0, 1, 2. so we want to go to less than the length of sayings. And I want the tortoise to say sayings sub i. (sayings[i] ) Again, is the length is 3, there is no element 3. so I want the tortoise to say, "ready"when i is 0, "set"when i is 1, and "go" when i is 2. Let's run that, and he says "ready", "set", "go" And of course, we can add whatever else we want to do. this could also be done, (disable this one) It could also be done using a for each. and the item type is going to be a string in the item, call that word, and it's going to be from the array sayings. you need an array in order to do the for each loop. We want the tortoise to say whatever the value of word is. We can run that: he says "ready", "set", "go" That's the whole thing. So we can use either of these two loops, We can have a for loop, have counter if we wanted him to some other things this might be a choice if we just want to move through all the words this is the second way that we could do that. And that's it.