Hello world! I'm talking about scene procedures Alice 3. Let me run the program first: They all say hello together, and then they say goodbye one at a time. This section here is where they say hello, this do in order block is where they say goodbye. But I may want to add to this and they bow when they say hello, maybe they wave when they say goodbye. and my first method starts to get fairly large. In order to keep your program well organized, I'm going to create to scene procedures: one for the greetings and one for the goodbye. So we click on this shape and select add scene procedure, name it greetings and sayOK. Let's go back to my first method and I'm going to copy all of this to the clipboard. and then drag it in to that greetings procedure. Let's go back to my first method again, and now that I have that in that procedure, I can get rid of it here. And instead, you'll notice we have this procedure greetings, and I'm going to take that and drag that into my code. What's going to happen is, when we run this, It starts by calling the procedure greetings, and so it goes to greetings, executes all of the code there, are when it finishes, it goes back to my first method and picks up with the next statement after that. Let's do the same thing and have our goodbyes. Copy that to the clipboard, and go to add a scene procedure, And call it goodbye. and drag in from the clipboard. Go back to my first method. Get rid of that block and bring in the call to the procedure goodbye in its place. So now we have my first method is very small nice, neat, and tidy. And if I want to work on the goodbye and have them wave or something like that, I can just go to this chunk of code. And it's a little better organized, it's easier to work with. And another thing we can do, if we are working on goodbye, I could just disable the call to greetings and it would just go right straight to the goodbyes, where I could work on it. And that's it for now.