Hello World! I'm continuing the hello world project in Alice 3. Notice that the say statement has a box that says "add detail". If we click on that box, we can put in the duration, I'm going to put in a 10. and we can also pick a different color for the talk bubble. We can change a couple other options. Let's run it to see how that looks. She has the cyan box and she talks for a lot longer now, 10 seconds. Next, I will make the witch look at the camera when she says "hello." When you click on this.witch, she is now selected in the object selector window. If I click this arrow, you will see that I can select any of these objects. Notice a right arrow next to this.witch, since she's already selected. Select the arrow, then select this.witch.getHead to add it to the procedures. Notice all the things the head can do. We're going to select pointAt. I want her to look at the camera first, and THEN say hello. Drag the pointAt procedure into the code window and position it before the say command. The pointAt procedure requires that you select the object you want the head to point at. I'm going to select the camera. But I could have said to look down at her foot, or any of this other choices. The order is important. She's going to look at he camera first, then say hello. Run the movie to see what it looks like so far. She bends her head up to look at us and says "Hello World."