Hello world I'm talking about vehicles in Alice3. Vehicles are a little different than what you might traditionally think of as a vehicle. In this first instance I'm going to have a penguin and an egg, and make the penguin the vehicle for the egg. So, let me go to my flyer classes, And just double-click on that penguin, and add the penguin. Then I'm going to go to shapes and pick this sphere. I'll just name that egg. That is way too big! Let's take our resize tool and make that egg, select the egg, and make it fairly small. I'm having a little difficulty seeing so let me zoom in on this little. Yeah that egg is really too big, isn't it? Let me go back to that select that egg again and make that little bit smaller. So that it looks like it could possibly be the right size for that to be an egg for that penguin. When I get that egg the right size, or I can just make the penguin a little bit bigger here. I'm having a little bit of trouble seeing this, so I'm going to go to the ground and just for now just make it a contrasting color like green, so I can see that egg a little bit better. If I go to default you'll see I could move that egg around, It looks like it's down under the ground, What I'm going to do with that egg selected, I'm going to go to my one shots, and pick procedures, and I'm going to pick this.egg moveAndOrientTo this.penguin. And that's going to put the egg right between the penguin's feet. because the pivot point for the egg and the penguin are the same. And then I'm going to, for the egg, pick the vehicle is the penguin. And then if I... go to default... pick the penguin and move it around, And you'll see that egg is going to move along with the penguin.