Hello world! I'm talking about Excel and I'm going to add a graph. I have my budget for the party. I would like to show a pie graph showing the percentage for each item. I'm going to select these cell. s, 0:00:23.000,0:00:25.040 And then hold down control, And select this group of cells over here. And then insert, Select the pie graph. I'll make it a 3D pie. Could move that over and even change the size if you want. I'm going to double click here and type. Party Budget. And then I'm going to right click. And say add data labels. And then I'm going to right click again, and say format data labels. And I want to show the category name, And the percentage. If you don't want the values up there you can take that off. I'll just leave that. Then we close this. And I can move it over. And change the size if I want to. And that's it we added a graph.