Hello World! I'm talking about converting binary numbers to hexadecimal. The reason we use hexadecimal is because every four digits in binary can be represented with one digit in hexadecimal. And that's because 16 is a power of two. so we have binary numbers from four zeros all the way to four ones and then hexadecimal digits from zero through nine and A through F. If we want to convert a binary number to hexadecimal, what we're going to do is break this up into groups of four starting on the right and if we don't have four here we could just put zeros in front of a number, that doesn't change its value any. And then each group of four will be replaced by one hexadecimal digit from this table. So, we have 1101 and that would be D. Then we have 1011 which is B. And we have 0110 And that is 6, and then we have a 1. And we could write that number in base 2 is equal to this number in the base 16. Let's do another one. Pause your video and try this on your own. Then restart the video to watch the solution. Ready? So we start by breaking this up into groups of four, and then we replace each group of four (You can imaging those zeros in the front) We replace those with the hexadecimal digit So we have one, and one, and 1010 isn't an A and 1101 is a D. and we could write that this number in base 2 is equal to this number in base 16. Let's do one more. Pause the video, try it, and then restart the video to watch me do it. Ready? Starting on the right, break it up into groups of four. At zeroes at the front if we need to, or imagine them. and then look it up on this chart. So we have 0110 is 6, and this is a one, and we have one and three zeros is an 8, and we have 11 which is three. and you notice that not all hexadecimal numbers have letters of the alphabet. so the only way to really know what base it is is to write the base down there. And that's it.