Hello World! I'm talking about posting to discussions in blackboard. When you're in blackboard you can see the menu over on the left. I'm going to click on discussions and we can either create a forum, or go into one of the questions and we can create a new thread. and if there were somebody there can also pick to reply to them. The first thing we want to do is to type a subject for this. "How to Post" When we start typing, you see up here we have this editing menu, I'm going to type something like "Hello World," and maybe I would like to make that bold, or maybe I would like to make that a heading and change the size to 18, "Here are some things to remember:" and then I can make some bullets: check spelling I'm going to make a spelling error here. and you see it is highlighted in red, just like in your word processor. If I go back and fix it, it doesn't always erase that red line, but if you type a space after it will. Hit enter, and "Be polite" and a few other little points. and I can change those to bold and or to italics or underline it, you can also use the highlighter... here's the highlighter. and I can pick a color I'll pick yellow and that's going to be highlighted in yellow. if I want to insert a picture, instead of putting it in as an attachment, and then somebody has to open it, this is an attachment, you can attach a file. But for just a picture you want to click on this, and then you're going to select browse my computer and you can browse for or find a picture that you like, this is the snipping tool, and then click insert over here, and When you have finished typing your message, if you want you can say attach a file, and then browse your computer and then when you got all finished you're going to hit submit. and it'll show you that that it was published. And that's it!