Hello World! I'm talking about how to write better methods in C++. It's important to remember that when you create a class, You are creating a tool for other programs to use, And you want to keep it as versatile as possible. This is NOT a method, it's a function. But what we have here is a function, or it could be a method, called season. And it prints out winter, spring, summer or fall. Or invalid month. And that's very limited. The programmer can't do anything with that except call it. Like you see here, season(month); and has no control over the output. Here's a better way of doing it. In this one, we have a string. We're going to return a value of "winter", "spring", "summer" or "fall". You can see the return statement here. That gives us a little bit more versatility. Notice that there's no error message here. When we call this function, if it returns a null string we can print out whatever message we want. We can print out whatever message we want , that is not a valid month, Or we can print out it's in the spring or whatever. We can word it however we want. Here's a better idea. We're going to return a 0 for winter, 1 for spring, 2 for summer and 3 for fall. This gives us the most versatility for our program. We can have an array with the names of the seasons, And print out that season. Or for the southern hemisphere we might flip that, And again, there is no error message. If the season is -1 we can print out "That's not a valid month."