Hello world. I'm talking about reading in strings from the user in C++ I have program here, and I've included the string header file. I've declared name as a string. And I display a prompt to the user that says "Enter your name:" cin>>name and then I output hello and whatever the name is. Let's run this. And I put in Robin as my name, and it says "Hello Robin" It might be tempting to think that everything is working great. Let's run it again, and this time going to put in my name is Robin Banks. And it says "Hello Robin" So we can use just cin for the name. What I'm going to use instead is getline. And getline takes the input stream that you want to read from, and the variable you want to read in. and that reads the whole line. So let's run this again now and I will put in Robin Banks again. and it says "Hello Robin Banks" So that's how you could read in a whole line or something with a space in it. One of the problems with using cin is that if we read in just Robin, and the input buffer had "Robin Banks", "Banks" is still in the input buffer, and the next cin would try to read in "Banks" and that's a problem. and that's it for now.