
csharpGlossary for C#: files

Glossary for C#: files

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clipboard app1: Clipboard program(Lesson: Files in C#)
   Build the form
clipboard app2: Clipboard program Part 2(Lesson: Files in C#)
   Code: read file into list box, copy from listbox to clipboard
directory files command: Directory(Lesson: Files in C#)
   The Directory command is used to retrieve an array of all the files in a directory.
directory files command parameters: Parameters for the Directory Method(Lesson: Files in C#)
   Specify file type or pattern
file reformat XML: Reformat as XML(Lesson: Files in C#)
   Read a text file and write as XML format.
files reference: Microsoft Reference:(Lesson: Files in C#)
   C# Files, The Directory Class
filter reference: Filter(Lesson: Files in C#)
   The Filter is used with the file dialog to specify the types of files to be selected.
font: Font(Lesson: Files in C#)
   Font is a property that can be selected for controls and for drawing.
font dialog: Font Dialog(Lesson: Files in C#)
   The Font Dialog is one of the common dialog controls for selecting fonts and font properties
read file lines lookup: Read a file line by line(Lesson: Files in C#)
   Read in a CSV (comma separated values) file
write text file: Write to text file(Lesson: Files in C#)
   Write the contents of a combo box to a text file
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