01.5 Hello World! I'm talking about adding an about box in C#. I have a new program, and from my toolbox I'm going to add a menu strip. And make this first item say about. And by the way,if I add file here later, and then I want to drag that, I can just drag that. to reorder that. So for right now, we have an about menu item. mnuAbout and when we click that we want to show an about box. I'm going to select project, add windows form. And then select box and say OK. And my about box, I'm going to change the picture. and import a different picture, and OK. and then for the size mode I need to fix that up a bit. Let's find the size mode here... and normal, that's too small. So stretch image, then get in between this. These two panels, and you see the little double line. and move that a little bit to adjust that size. Going back to my form and double-click on the about, and what I need is an instance of that about box one. (AboutBox1) And we can see that in the solution Explorer, that's called about box 1. (AboutBox1) and let's just call this about equals new about box 1. Parentheses, and then I can say about dot show dialog. And let's run it, and click about, and there's my about box. And this information isn't what I want to show. So, let's close that and go back to my solution Explorer. And under properties I'm going to select assembly info. And then under assembly info, I can write a description: "Demonstrate about box" And the name of the company is zebra0.com. And now let's run that. And now when we look at our about box it shows the name of the company and whatever I wrote as that description. And that's it!