Hello World! I'm comparing arrays and lists in C#. When we declare an array, the array will have a fixed size. Here we have a spring months, This is the notation to indicate this is an array. And then inside the curly braces we have 12 values and that is a fixed size, we can't later add a 13th month. January is in months sub zero. so months sub one is February. There are some built-in methods to that class. And you can look at them: and for instance Count will tell you there were 12. The first item would be January. get lengths tells you the size also. Last gives you December. but Max and Min would be based on the alphabet. So the Min would be April because it begins with an A. and Max would be October because it begins with an O. And there are some interesting things such as order by and reverse and so on. Let's put that back to Min. We can access the array this way, using the square brackets. We can also access one particular element by using the element at method. Notice that this is in square brackets, and this one is an argument to that method, so it is inside parentheses. Let's take a look at a list. With a list we have the word "List" and then inside the less than greater than we have the type. And then we give it a name and we can say new List and then again, inside the less than greater than the brackets I mean the... less than greater than and then we have parentheses, but we can also use curly braces. And then we can add to it and we can add as many as we want: there is no fixed size. So I can add R2-D2, and Voltron, and then you can remove things also. Here's another example: I have cars is also a list of strings. and I've given initial values of Toyota, Ford and Jeep. And then I can add the VW to that. There is a method to sort a list, And there is also something called first. That would be Toyota. Element at one would be Ford, And we can also use the subscript and inside the square brackets put a one: that would also be Ford. And that's it!