Hello world! This is the second part of my buffet restaurant program using checkboxes and radio buttons in C#. I'm going to add a check box, Uh, and give them a dollar off if they have a coupon. and then I need a label to display the price based on all these criteria. So the label is going to be LBL price (lblPrice) And right now I'm not going to have any text in there. And then the checkbox will be CHK coupon (chkCoupon) And the text is Coupon. Now, I'm going to, when any one of these changes, I'm going to calculate and display the price. So let's start by double-clicking on breakfast. And going to write this function private void calculate price. Nothing for parameters. And then my code is going to go here. and I'm going to call calculatePrice, from all of the functions for all of the buttons [controls] when any of them change, so let's write calculatePrice. I'm going to have a double basePrice [typing] and if radBreakfast dot [.], and the property were looking for here is checked. If radBreakfast is checked base price equals, I'll just make that $10. else if radLunch.checked base price equals 20. Oh no, make that 14. And else base price equals 18. [typing] Ok, Ok, the next thing I'm going to do is to Give them a... children pay half price, And adults pay full price, and seniors uh, get a 20% discount. So it might be tempting to just combine all this and say that if it's a child for breakfast it's five dollars. That makes it harder to update it, So let's just do this as a separate calculation. if radChild dot checked base price equals base price times .5 Giving them half price on that. I should type 0.5, it's more correct. I'm going to copy and paste that: if rad senior is checked. Now a 20% discount for seniors means that they pay 80%. And then finally if CHK coupon is checked base price... I could say base price equals base price... but I can also say minus equal one and that will do the same thing. and then we will display it. LBL price.text equals base price and I want to format that with $0.00 so that, for instance, 50 cents would show as .50 instead of .5 Oh, this is to string. And then that's it. And then, of course, we have to add that for each of the other checkboxes and radio buttons. But let's just run that, I will pick a senior and dinner would be 14.40 and I haven't added the code for the others, So a child for breakfast would be five dollars. and so on, we do have to that for each of the radio buttons and checkboxes to call calculate price. And that's it.