Hello world! I'm talking about writing a function in C#. I have started a new program called circle. I have lblInstructions that says "Enter the radus of a circle. I have txtRadius, I have btnSubmit, I have a label called area header that says "The area is " And then there's another label here that you can't see. So I'm going to select it this way. It doesn't have any text right now, but it is called lblRadius [it should be lblArea] I want the user to be able to type and then press enter. So I'm going to go to my form, and for the accept button select btnSubmit. And then, let's double click on the submit button and we're going to, first of all we're going to declare a string s equal to txtRadius.Text And then we're going to have a ... double radius equals zero. and then I'm going to say Double.TryParse and the string that I want to convert and the output is radius. And then I would like to calculate the area. But I'm going to write a function for this. So we start by saying private and then instead of void, this is going to return a double. to and the name is going to be area of circle. and it is going to have the parameter is a double and the parameter is going to be, let's call it r. And those curly braces And the area of a circle is PI r squared. And I'm going to say return Math.PI times r Now, I could use Pow(r,2) But I think I'm just going to use r times r. It's just a little bit easier, I think, to understand. What we've got here: now that we have that function, I'm going to say lblArea... Oh, I called it radius, oh, let's just do this. lblRadius.Text equals area of the circle, sending it radius, and then were going to convert that to a string. Uh... function and the semicolons, let's just run this. And I'm going to put in five and hit submit. And it says 78 point something. And we can just do this in our head: We had PI which is about three, and 3󬊅 is about 75, but it's a little more that because it's not exactly 3. And so that's it. We wrote our own function. Now I challenge you: do this for the circumference.