Hello world! I'm going to explain the code that we have so far in our C# program. We can start at the top: These two lines, (you can open and close that) these two lines that begin with //, are comments, I added those lines. We could have done this a second way and that would be to have a /* You can see that's- the comments are green, so it's commented out our entire program. So what we want to do is end this with a matching */ using this style for a multiline comment. Next we have a number of minds that were generated automatically by the compiler, the IDE. and all of these things need to be included in order for our program to work. All of these lines right here, lines 14 through 21 and some others down below were automatically generated by the IDE also. You'll notice that there are a number of curly braces. Each opening curly brace has a matching closing curly brace So, all of this code right here is inside this class form1. The constructor for form1, has one line of code it says initialize component. and then private form private void form1 load has this code right here, which is the code that we added. Form load has two arguments: and object that is the sender and event args, which gives us some information about this event. We added the line to change the text to "Hello earthlings" and this is a string, and so it is enclosed inside double quotes. I've changed the color to slate blue, and I've added a comment at the end. I'm going to show you just one more thing about this: If I type color dot (.) .and then I pick something like slate blue, or uh I type 'T' and that's tan I want to select that I can just hit the tab key and select that. And we could also do that some of these other properties. if I don't like that color I can do control Z and go back to that color that I had before. So these are the statements that are included in the form load event. And that's it.