Hello World! I'm talking about controls in C#. I have my solutions explorer open and the properties window open. and I'm going to drag the properties window sort of on top of solution Explorer and that docks it so I toggle back and forth. Next I'm going to select view toolbox and toolbox also opened up docked with those others. and we can add a button, by dragging and dropping it. Or I can simply double-click and then position it. You'll see when I drag that that there is some guidelines here that help you put those, uh, in position. I can also select all of them and move them over a little more in one direction. Another control we're going to use a lot is a label. A label is used to display information as opposed to a text box which is for the user to input information. We have both a listbox and a combo box. and a listbox shows several items at once. Whereas a combo box is going to just show one item at a time. Let's go to our properties window and the one that selected has handles. So I'm going to select button1. And name it is at the top because it's in parentheses. andI'm going to double-click on that and type btnGo as the name, and buttons should start with btn and then an uppercase letter and a descriptive name . and for the text I'm going to make that &Go and that & makes the G a hot key . when we run this we can either click on the G button or type the G and use the hot key for that. Let's name this one btnStop and make text that &Stop. A label should start with the letters lbl and then a capital letter, let's call that info. And go down to our text property type "a few controls" a text box, this one, is really just to input. Don't use the text box to display information. It should begin with TXT, name, that's something we often ask the user. Both the listbox and combo box have a property called items which is a collection. And to add items to the collection, I'm going to add some programming languages: C++ , C#, PHP, Java. And click OK. You can see those there. and there's a sorted property, double-click that, to make that true, and you can see it puts them in alphabetical order. The combo box is identical in the way it behaves, it's only the appearance that's different. So we could add a few human languages this time. English, Spanish, French, Mandarin Click OK, and I'm going to set sorted to true for that also. Let's just run our program. And you can see the button is highlighted when you move over it an so on. This is the label and a text box, I can type "something" And we can select items from either the combo box or the list box. And that's it for now.