Hello World! I'm talking about creating a counter in C#. I've started a new program that I called counter. And going to add a button. and what I would like to do is every time I click that button, I add one to a counter. So let's name our button btnCount. and make the text say... make it &Count. and let's double-click on that. I'm going to move my properties window out of the way. I'm going to declare an integer counter. and with an initial value of zero. and then say counter plus plus (++) which will 1 to it. and then this.Text equals a null string, plus (+) to concatenate counter And there's a problem with this, when I run this... every time I click, it's going to stay 1. And the reason is because this gets reinitialized to zero every single time. So I'm going to drag this statement up above public Form1. When a declaration of a variable is not inside any function, We call that global, this counter would be available here ,and here, and inside any other functions that we put in this Form1. So now when we run it Each time I click, it adds one and displays that. and so that's how we created a counter was by making a global variable. And that's it.