Hello world! I'm talking about the files that are created when you create C# program using Visual Studio community 2017. I have selected myCsharp folder. (And that's a good idea, you really want to keep all of your projects in one folder.) and at this point we only have one subfolder in there: That's our hello world project. And you'll see one that says sln, That stands for solution. If we double-click this it will open up Visual Studio community and have that solution active. There's also a folder, and inside that folder you can see a lot of things with the forms and various different things that we need There's one folder called BIN and that stands for binary. And under debug, there's the hello world.exe file and if I double-click it will open up my hello world program. If you want to submit this to a professor, or pass it on to another person, You need to zip this entire folder and there.. uh... so that file was zipped and you can see it's much smaller in size, But it is also one file that you transmit to someone, or submit as an assignment. And that's it!