Hello world! I'm talking about the common dialog controls in C#. I'm continuing with my happy birthday program. I added a label LBL happy (lblHappy) Uh, it says happy birthday. And I would like to change the font of that when I click file from either the menu or from my tool strip. I have added the font dialog, And it appears down below as a resource for the form. And you can find that either under all Windows forms, over here, but there's also a section down at the bottom that has just dialogs, so you could also find it there. I'm going to select the menu font and click that little lightning bolt to show all of the events and then double-click on this to open that window. The first thing I need to do is to show the dialog: Font dialog 1 dot show dialog. (fontDialog1.ShowDialog(); And that is shown modal: that means that when we open it, we can't do anything else until we make a selection in that window and it closes. if font dialogue 1 dot font is not equal to null (if(fontDialog1.Font != null) then I'm going to change the font of the label. LBL happy dot font equals font dialogue 1 dot font. (fontDialog1.Font) And I'm going to go back to my form, and I want to do the same thing with this button, Let's double-click on that. And what I'm going to do is just call this. Now, in the parameters for this function The parameters give the type, but when we call it we just send the arguments. Sso we need to get rid of that, and do that. And let's run it. OK, I click this and there's my font dialogue window, and... I can select that and if I click this, I can make a selection and say OK, or... I can say cancel and nothing changes. and that's the font dialogue, and that's it!