Hello World! I'm talking about some of the built-in math functions C#. I created a new program, and named it math-functions. And I'm going to just double-click on my form, and we'll try out some of the Math functions in form load. So Text equals, and I'm going to concatenate And the first one I'm going to show you is not really a function. I'm going to type Math dot (.) PI You'll notice that PI is completely in caps and there are no parenthesis, That's because PI is a constant. So let's run this. And there we have 3.14 and so on displayed as our Text. Let's try a couple of others, these are actually functions. Round, and I can put in 4.56 And this value, is called the argument. Now, if we look at this, And we look around the mouse over Round: It says double Math.Round and then double inside parentheses and an "a" and the "a" stands for argument. This is actually called the parameters these are the rules, or the pattern that we have to follow to use this function. This is the argument, the value that we are passing to it. In this instance, And if we round that, it rounded to 5. We could also make this a negative number, and it rounds to -5. I'm going to go back and retype it dot, and I get this list that comes up. Here's one called Min. Now, when we type this you'll see it has value 1 and value 2, And this would return the smaller of two unsigned integers. But.. it can work with decimals, it can work with double, it can work with float and so on. So we can look at what these different values could be with that. Alright. So this has, requires two arguments, there are two parameters. and we have value1 15 and 12; and the men is 12. And of course we need the semicolon. And the Min is 12, and we could type type our dot again. And we have a whole bunch of trig functions. Uh, ceiling, uh, moves to the right on the number line. So it returns the smallest value, that is quite equal to the specified decimal number. I'm going to put in 4.1 and run this, and the ceiling is actually five, Uh, it doesn't round, it doesn't truncate. Let's try truncate. OK. Truncate just takes it and chops off what we might have there. So, just chops off any decimal part, so whether that was a value greater than .5 doesn't matter. And so there's a whole bunch of these functions , and you could just try them out like this and... Pow is a good one, Pow has two arguments and what we're going to do is raise 2 to the 3rd power. And that's 2 time 2 time 2. I might not use the Math function just to square something, there's a square, [square root] Uh, square root I meant, 1144, that better be 12, right? There we go, and that will also work with decimal numbers, double or whatever. And we get a whole lot digits with that. You should experiment with these. And that's it.