Hello world! I'm talking about how to add mouse events in C#. I've started a new program ,I don't have any controls. I've added a comment, and what I did was, I typed in right after initialize comments [comments] components, this.MouseMove+= new System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventHandler( this dot(.) and then the name of the function that I've written, and I copied the code from form load. just right up here, but I changed this from EventArgs to MouseEventArgs. If we just type e. you will see some information about that event And the ones we're interested in are the X and the Y values. And I have displayed them by saying this.text= and I have X equals concatenate (+) e.X and concatenate Y, a space , Y equals e.Y when I run my program as I move my mouse, you see those X and Y values change. The X value is the distance from the left, so you can see right here X is zero and as I move it over X gets larger. Y is 0 all the way at the top of the form and why get's bigger as we go down all the way to the height of the form. And that's it!