Hello World! I'm talking about creating an nested if/else block of statements in C#. I've started a new program and I'm going to use a scrollbar to select a numeric grade from 0 to 100. and then I'm going to show the letter grade. as we go along. We have two scrollbars we have the horizontal scrollbar right here, and we have the vertical scrollbar . They're really exactly the same but I'm going to use the vertical scrollbar just for fun here. and if you make this just a little bigger it's a little easier, uh, to select values. So let's make the form a little bigger. Let's pull this down , you see the difference? Between moving it, and then using the handles to make it bigger. So let's call this vsbGrade And I want to make the minimum zero, which it is anyway. And the maximum one hundred. Which is just fine for this. And we need a label and say I'm going to call this lblInstructions. [typing] And for the text going to say "Select the numeric grade" [typing] I'd like this just a little up there. and then go back to my toolbox And I need a label to display the numeric grade, and then I need a label for the letter grade. So one of these I'm going to call lblGrade and [mumbles] You always want you start a program you don't want something false to appear. So right now what is the value on that scrollbar? The value is zero, so let's put in this label, that's going to show the grade, Let's put the text is zero. and that matches where we are when we start. The second label I'm going to call lblLetter And since the scrollbar is zero, the text for this should be F. And that will match what we have to start with. So let's Ah, we should also have some labels to tell what this is. I'll put this up here. and then, I'll call this This is going to have to F, let's just get another label here , and call it lblLletteHeader . and make the text say Your letter grade is... Then I can put this right next to that and it'll look like a sentence has appeared. I'm going to [mumbles] There we go. Alright, I'm going to double-click on the scrollbar and that's going to open up the scroll event and I'm going to say if, vsbGrade I can just hit tab at this point .value is less than 65, lblLetter.Text equals, double quotes, F. I'm going to copy this line, copy this whole line and paste it. and put else in front of it and less than 70, it's a D. And again put else in front, and if it's less than 80 that is a C. Copy this whole thing. And if it's less than 90, thats B. And now, I'm just going to say else, make that an A. For the last one we don't have to do any comparison, If, this is false, then it's an A, then it's 90 or above. What happens when we run this, the minute we have a match, we skip all the elses that are paired with that. So let's run that and see what happens here and... nothing.. way down here.. I know what I forgot to change, go back to this, This one, we need the large change, has to be changed to one. Let's run that again... I'm not displaying... I forgot to display the grade. I need to display in that, that is, lblGrade, Let's go back to our core code and display lblGrade.Text equal, I can't just assign a numeric value to that I have to concatenate to a null string. vsbGrade.value And now let's run it, there we go, you can see, now The minute it changes to 65, 64 is an F and then 67 is D the and down to 78 it's a C and 89 is a B. 90 is an A. All the way down, you can use these little arrows to move one step at a time if that's a little easier than playing with the thumb. And that's it!