Hello World! I'm talking about the code for the new button in my birthday application in C#. If I pick a font and a color and a picture. And when I click new, It's going to go back to exactly the same color and font that we had at form load. and the picture is gone. So let's look at the code and see how we did that. First of all, I need to declare a font for my starting font. And I'm putting it here so that it will be global for the form. And also the color, then in form load, I set the start font to the font that is there right now in LBL happy. And the starting color equal to whatever the back color of the form is. When the user clicks new, then I say picHappy.image equals null. That gets rid of the picture. Set the back color to my starting color, and the font for the label to whatever that starting font was. There's one little piece of code here, and that's menu exit, and we just say this dot close. So we close the form, it closes the whole program. and we can see that. There, exit. Perfect! And that's it!