Hello world! I'm talking about adding some pictures to our hello world project. The two properties that I'm going to change, are the icon, that you see here and a background image that we'll be able to see right here. For the background image, we click the ellipsis nd then I'm going to import from my local computer a picture of the world... I have a picture here... You can see part of that and say OK. And it's too big, I could make my form bigger by dragging these handles, But instead, what I'm going to do is Pick the stretch property for the BackGroundImage layout, And you can see whatever size I make the world. That's going to fill that background. Another possibility is to tile that. This picture is a little too big for you to see what that looks like. If we had a smaller picture you could see that. Let's just put that back on stretch and it will fit that screen. The other thing I'm going to change is the icon. Te default is the 3 little squares that you see there. So, for the icon, I'm also going to click the ellipsis. An icon has to have the extension ico. When we pick that, you can see it right there. And we'll run our program. And now we've got real hello world program with the icon of the world, a picture of the world and the words hello world as the text property of the form . And that's it!