Hello world! I'm talking about how to use switch and case in C#. I've started a new program and I have a label instructions, a scrollbar hsbMonth, and on that I have set the minimum to one, that maximum to 12, and small change to one. I have a label lblMonth, and lblSeason. When I start the program I would like these to be accurate, I would like them to show whatever is selected on the scrollbar. I'm going to double-click on the scrollbar and for the change event for the scrollbar, I want, whatever I do here, I want to do in form load also. So I'm going to write a function: private void showMonth, and no parameters. And then I'm going to call showMonth from here, and from here. All right: int month equals hsbMonth.value. lblMonth.Text =month. ToString. [typing] Now if it is, if month is 12 or 1 or 2, I want to display the word "Winter" if it is 3, 4 or 5 I want to display the word "Spring" And so on: this is a perfect situation to use switch. And we give the variable that we're looking at inside the parentheses and then We say case 12: case 1 case 2: lblSeason Dot (.) text = "Winter" And then you need the word break; And let's just copy this and paste, paste, paste. and this is winter and (that should be 2) and then 3, 4 and 5 are "Spring" 6, 7 and 8 are "Summer" And 9, 10, and 11 are "Fall" We run that and At form load, before I've even touched the scrollbar It shows the month is 1, and that that is winter. And then 2 is winter, three is spring and so on. We could add another statement here: Let's say BackColor = Color.White; and for ... let's copy and paste that, The back color is white for winter, Let's make it pink for the spring, and green for summer Whoops, what did I do there? Ok, let's copy and paste that. And for the fall I'll make it gold. If I had more than the two statements I would probably write a function called winter. I'd just say winter, but let's just see what we have here. So winter is white and spring is pink, And summer is green, and fall is gold. And that's it!