Hello World! I'm talking about the starting values that appear on the form in a C# program. I'm continuing with the program we wrote previously to select the cost of the meal on a scrollbar, and then calculate a [10%] uh, 15% tip and 20% tip. And all of these values were given at design time based on a value of zero on the scrollbar. But let's say we wanted to make a mea, to start with, a $10 meal, So that would be a $10 meal plus we need the two decimal places because the scrollbar only does integers. So we divide this by hundred, that would give us a $10 meal. But these numbers are all wrong. So instead of formatting these at design time, I'm going to use a function and do this at runtime. So, I'm going to move this property window out of the way. Here's what we have right now, we have ... When we change the value on the scrollbar We do all these calculations and instead of having that there, I'm going to write a function. So, that would be private, void, meaning it doesn't return an answer, calculateTip, and no arguments, no parameters, and I'm going to copy all of this code, I can actually just drag that down here. and [we can move this over just a little bit.] And then I'm going to copy this and call that when we moved the scrollbar... and I'm also going to call that function from form load. Let's run it. And so when we run it, It comes up and it says that the cost of the meal is $10 and leave a tip between the dollars $1.50 and $2.00 And that's exactly what wanted. And that's it!