Hello world! I'm going to add a tool strip to the happy birthday program in C#. We have a menu already and I would like tool strip to have buttons that match the menu items. I'm going to click this little dot here And say insert standard items, and... you can see it has added Let's go to properties. It has new button, Uh, tool strip button, open, save, print, cut, copy, paste and question mark. And that would open up a help window normally. We're not going to have this in this program, So I'm going to right-click and delete that. And we don't have save, or print, or cut, or copy, or paste. But I'm going to add a new item and name it: instead of button one, I'm going to name it font. and get a picture for that. and import IN my zebra0 file, under that I have a font button. Click open for that and say OK. And I need another one for the color, and we can select that. And say OK. So there's my two buttons. And I need to make sure I have names of those. So that's font, And this one is color. And we can also right click on this... And edit items. And if I needed to move these around, let's say I wanted the color to be before the font Uh, we could move back down to edit that. And that's it!