Hello world! I'm talking about parsing numbers in C#. In this program that we wrote in the previous video, we say to parse s, and it just assumes that S is going to actually be anumber . Let's see what happens if it isn't. Instead of typing in a number, I'm going to just type some letters, or some nonnumeric value, and hit submit. and the program crashes and get an error saying input string was not in the correct format. And I'm going to press continue and end my program. There, OK. Instead of doing this this way, I'm going to say Double num=0; And then I'm going to say... Double [typing] Double.TryParse And then I give it two arguments: the string, and then I say out is going to num. And then we'll convert that to a square root. So let's run this. And I type ABC and hit enter, and I get a zero as the... as the result. But it didn't crash. And so, that's a good thing, But we'll talk a little more about this in the next lesson on Boolean expressions. So that's it for now.