Hello world! I'm talking about how to use Eclipse to create the "Hello World" program in Java. When you open Java you'll see something like this. There are different perspectives in Java. Different perspectives determine what you can see and what you can do at that point. We need to be in the Java perspective. You may or may not be in that. We're going to select window, perspective, open perspective, other, and then pick Java. We were already in that so you're not going to see any difference. If your window doesn't look like this you can use these steps. The "Hello World" program is going to start with function called main. Main has to be inside a class, and the class has to be inside the project. So the first thing were going to do is create a project. From the menu we will select file, new (I know you can't see that I selected new) and then pick Java project. The next thing we have to do is give our project a name. and I'm going to name this one helloworld. That is traditionally the first program that you write. The next thing I'm going to do is click finish.. and finish is down here at the bottom let me move that up and we're going to select finish. and you can see we now have in package Explorer a package helloworld. The next step is to create my hello class. so again from the menu I'm going to select file new and select class. and the package is "helloworld", Classes usually start with a capital letter so I'm going to name my class Hello. I also want to check "public static void main" That's the main function that I said we were going to start with. Make sure we uncheck everything else and click finish. The area that you see right here you can see that we have a package or project called helloworld. We have a class called Hello and inside that it says "public static void main" And then there's a comment, beginning with //, that's a comment. This is where we're going to write our code. In order to display the words hello world, We are going to type System please note that's a capital asked S, or upper case. System.out.println "L" "N",that stands for print line so make sure that's an "L" and "N". And a lower case "p" on println, but an upper case "S" on System. println is a function and the arguments for a function go inside parentheses. What we want to print is a string and strings are enclosed inside double quotes. And our message "Hello World", and then we need a semicolon. See the little red squiggle there? That says something's missing. We need a semicolon at the end of each statement. The next thing were going to do is run it. To run it we are going to select Run, and Run, or CTRL+F11. That's important to remember because every time you want run your program, It's going to be a lot easier to do Control + F11 then selecting it from the menu. So we're going to run it: It says "Save and Launch". It wants to save everything, OK. And you will see the words "Hello World" down here in the console window and that's it!