Hello World! I'm talking about controls in Visual Basic. I've started a Windows form application and I'm going to add a few controls to this. The controls are what make it a graphical user interface. Let's view toolbox, and the controls are in the toolbox. There's a button, and I can either drag that over to the form or I can double-click to add it to the form. You'll notice that when I drag one of these you'll see some little guides so that you can get them lined up exactly, if you want to do that. We have a label, we have radio buttons, checkboxes, a listbox, and a combo box, A combobox and a listbox are pretty much the same except that a combo box doesn't display anything to start with. Let's use a listbox. The next thing I'm going to do is change some properties for these controls. Let me open my properties window. You can open the properties window by hitting F4. That's one of those hot keys you should remember. I have these two tabs that I can toggle back and forth with. If you don't like that, you can take that one and drag it and separate those. Let's go to our properties, I have them back together. You should give a name, For buttons the name should be again with Btn. Notice that name is up at the top of the list because it's inside parentheses. Let's name this this BtnStop and change the text to say stop. Named this one BtnGo, I'm using camel case, I have Btn, and then I have a new word and I begin with a capital letter. It makes it a little easier to read. And make the text say "Go". The label I'm going to name LblWelcome. Then change the text to say "Welcome to Visual Basic" The listbox I'm going to name LstProgramming. And the listbox, notice down here, you don't see any text. What you have instead are items, which is a collection. If I open up this collection, I'm going to type some programming languages. Java, Visual Basic, JavaScript, PHP Then say OK. You can see them over here. We also have a sorted property, Just double-click on that, you'll notice they're in alphabetical order. You can either select that from this box, or just double-click to toggle back and forth between those values. If we add more items to our collection a scrollbar will appear. Those are some of the most common controls that you're going to be using. Feel free to experiment with that, adding the ones you want. We're going to go into some of them in more detail later. That's it for now.